
How to get portal 2 for free on steam from ps3
How to get portal 2 for free on steam from ps3

how to get portal 2 for free on steam from ps3

So if you want to make one, and really want to make it your own (other than just mapping), you should read on. Particularly if you want to make your own mod, much in the way like you could with the original Portal. Until I completely know how to do it, I'll update it with information I find about this very interesting topic. Reference material: The complete Portal 2 file list (2 MB txt file)

how to get portal 2 for free on steam from ps3

Part 5: Implement thumbnails for your chapters in the modified Extras menu Part 4: Replace "Extras" and "Portal 2" with your mod title Part 3: Implement your own logo and menu background Part 2: Remap and rename core menu functions Custom image for each chapter in main menu Custom menu background and retain it after quitting out of a map Portal 2 hits store shelves on Apin North America, with Australian and European versions hitting stores on April 21 and 22, respectively."How to: Make your own Portal 2 mod!" originally appeared on my blog on September 15, 2011. It seems Valve has made the choice of which version of the game to buy that much easier for PS3 owners. PS3 Portal 2 owners get the game for three separate platforms for the price of one. Doing so will not only allow PS3 users to access their Steam account and link up with their Steam friends in-game, but also gives them access to the Mac and PC versions of Portal 2 at no added cost. In addition to cross-platform play with the Mac OS X and Windows versions of the game, which, in and of itself, is already an amazing feature, PS3 users will be able to link the PlayStation Network and Steam accounts together.

how to get portal 2 for free on steam from ps3

But the goodies don’t end there, as it seems Valve is intent on breaking the standard conventions of the video game industry. But now that the proverbial cake that is Portal 2 for the PS3 not a lie, Valve themselves have claimed that the PS3 version will be the best console version, thanks to added Steam support not present in the Xbox 360 version. After all, aside from a very low quality version of The Orange Box, ported to the PS3 by EA, Sony users had pretty much gotten the shaft from Valve. If anything, that’s what made Valve’s E3 2010 Portal 2 announcement all the more surprising. It feels like only yesterday that Gabe Newell stood as a major critic of the Sony PlayStation 3, citing his displeasure with the difficult nature of PS3 development.

How to get portal 2 for free on steam from ps3